This registers a callback that allows you to specify your own custom callback javascript code. A probalby more useful callback to use in conjunction with this for working on the javascript code is the debug_callback which will place you inside a debugger in your web browser allowing you to inspect the callback objects.

custom_callback(code, lnames = NULL, args = NULL)



a string of javascript callback code


vector of layer names to be made available inside the callback in addition to the default callback objects (see details)


named list of additional references to objects to be addressable in the callback


If we add a layer and provide it, for example the lname "points", then if we refer to it using the lnames parameter to the callback, several objects will be made available inside the callback for you to access, given the names "points_data", "points_glyph", "points_glyph_rend", "points_hov_glyph", "points_ns_glyph", all pointers to different objects associated with the "points" layer that your callback can manipulate.


# \donttest{ # hover over the blue points and make the orange points move figure(title = "hover a blue point") %>% ly_points(1:10, lname = "blue", lgroup = "g1") %>% ly_points(2:12, lname = "orange", lgroup = "g1") %>% tool_hover(custom_callback( code = "debugger;if(cb_data.index['1d'].indices.length > 0) orange_data.get('data').x[cb_data.index['1d'].indices] += 0.1 orange_data.trigger('change')", "orange"), "blue") # }