Exploration of NYC Taxi Data


This is a simple document outlining some initial exploratory analysis of the NYC taxi data.


Getting the data


There are a few sources. I got it from here.

There are of course plenty of ways to get the data into shape. I chose whatever I could think of most quickly. There is probably an awk one-liner or more efficient way to do it, but it's not very much data and these steps didn't take long.

There are two sets of files - one for trip data and one for fare data. This site has them broken down into 12 files for each set.

In a bash shell, you can download and unzip the data with the following:

for i in {1..12}; do
  echo "$i"
  wget "https://nyctaxitrips.blob.core.windows.net/data/trip_data_$i.csv.zip"
  wget "https://nyctaxitrips.blob.core.windows.net/data/trip_fare_$i.csv.zip"

for f in *.zip; do
  echo "$f"
  unzip $f

rm *.zip

It turns out the files have CRLF endings...

file *
# trip_data_1.csv:  ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
# trip_data_10.csv: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

No good. I converted them to unix format with dos2unix, which may not be installed on all linux flavors, but it's easy to install or there are other ways to deal with it.

for f in *.csv; do
  echo "$f"
  dos2unix $f

Looking at the files, it turns out that the number of lines match for each numbered trip and fare file. It would be nice to merge these, but we should make sure before merging that the rows match. Each record seems to be able to be uniquely defined by the medallion, hack_license, and pickup_datetime, which are present in both the trip and fare files. We can run a simple awk command to make sure each these match for each row.

# for i in {1..12}; do
#   echo "$i"
#   awk -F',' 'NR==FNR { a[$1,$2,$6]; next } ($1,$2,$4) in a { c++ } END { print c }' "trip_data_$i.csv" "trip_fare_$i.csv"
# done

The code is commented out because we have already verified this so no need to re-run unless you really want to. Everything matches, except some header lines have spaces and therefore don't match.

Merge trip and fare

Now let's merge the data/fare file pairs only using non-reduncant columns

for i in {1..12}; do
  echo "$i"
  paste -d, "trip_data_$i.csv" <(cut -d',' -f5-11 "trip_fare_$i.csv") > "trip_$i.csv"

This gives us 12 merged files: trip_1.csv, etc.

Finally, we can remove the original files.

rm trip_data*
rm trip_fare*

The final data is about 31GB.

Reading in to R

Reading in the raw data to R is as simple as calling drRead.csv(). However, some initial exploration revealed some transformations that would be good to first apply.

Initial transformations

The first transformation is simply that we want to parse the pickup and dropoff times as POSIXct.

Second, there are some very large outliers in the pickup and dropoff latitude and longitude that are not plausible and will hinder our analysis. We could deal with this later, but might as well take care of it up front.

For an idea of what the raw lat/lon data looks like, here are some quantile plots for the dropoff lat/lon, for example:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Note that these quantiles have been computed at intervals of 0, 0.005, 0.01, ..., 0.995, 1, so there are more outlying points than those shown in the plot.

According to this, the bounding box of NYC city limits is latitude=40.917577, longitude=-74.259090 at the northwest corner, and latitude=40.477399, longitude=-73.700272 at the southeast corner. So we have some very egregious outliers.

We will set any coordinates outside of this bounding box to NA in our initial transformation. We don't want to remove them altogether as they may contain other interesting information that may be valid.

We are just looking at the first csv file and using the "local disk" back end.

library(parallel) # needed for multicore MapReduce
# set the default backend to be R multicore with 4 cores
options(defaultLocalDiskControl = localDiskControl(makeCluster(4)))

nw <- list(lat = 40.917577, lon = -74.259090)
se <- list(lat = 40.477399, lon = -73.700272)

trans <- function(x) {
  # convert to POSIXct time
  x$pickup_datetime <- fast_strptime(as.character(x$pickup_datetime), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "EST")
  x$dropoff_datetime <- fast_strptime(as.character(x$dropoff_datetime), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "EST")

  # set coordinates outside of NYC bounding box to NA
  ind <- which(x$dropoff_longitude < nw$lon | x$dropoff_longitude > se$lon)
  x$dropoff_longitude[ind] <- NA
  ind <- which(x$pickup_longitude < nw$lon | x$pickup_longitude > se$lon)
  x$pickup_longitude[ind] <- NA
  ind <- which(x$dropoff_latitude < se$lat | x$dropoff_latitude > nw$lat)
  x$dropoff_latitude[ind] <- NA
  ind <- which(x$pickup_latitude < se$lat | x$pickup_latitude > nw$lat)
  x$pickup_latitude[ind] <- NA

raw <- drRead.csv("data/raw_csv/trip_1.csv", rowsPerBlock = 300000,
  postTransFn = trans, output = localDiskConn("data/raw"))

raw <- updateAttributes(raw)

Initial Exploration

Here are some simple quick summaries to help us start to get a feel for the data and where we might want to start taking a deeper look. There's a lot more to look at, this is just a quick start.

Here we make use of some of datadr's division-indpendent summary methods that operate over the entire data set and do not care about how it is divided.

Connecting to raw data

We can reconnect to the ddf we read in with the following:

raw <- ddf(localDiskConn("data/raw"))

Distributed data frame backed by 'kvLocalDisk' connection

 attribute      | value
 names          | medallion(cha), hack_license(cha), and 19 more
 nrow           | 14776615
 size (stored)  | 844.42 MB
 size (object)  | 2.24 GB
 # subsets      | 50

* Other attributes: getKeys(), splitSizeDistn(), splitRowDistn(), summary()

We see that this ddf contains ~14.8 million taxi trips and is split into 50 arbitrary subsets.


When we read in the data, since it is a ddf, summary statistics were computed for each variable:

       levels : 10000+
      missing : 0
           > freqTable head <
 7E1346F23960CC18D7D129FA28B63A75 : 2137
 6FFCF7A4F34BA44239636028E680E438 : 2112
 A979CDA04CFB8BA3D3ACBA7E8D7F0661 : 2039
 D5C7CD37EA4D372D00F0A681CDC93F11 : 1959
              hack_license                    vendor_id
 ---------------------------------------  ------------------
       levels : 10000+                          levels : 2
      missing : 0                              missing : 0
           > freqTable head <             > freqTable head <
 00B7691D86D96AEBD21DD9E138F90840 : 1933  CMT : 7450899
 F49FD0D84449AE7F72F3BC492CD6C754 : 1616  VTS : 7325716
 51C1BE97280A80EBFA8DAD34E1956CF6 : 1603
 847349F8845A667D9AC7CDEDD1C873CB : 1570
 ---------------------------------------  ------------------
      rate_code        store_and_fwd_flag      pickup_datetime
 --------------------  ------------------  ------------------------
  missing :         0        levels : 3    missing :              0
      min :         0       missing : 0        min : 12-12-31 16:00
      max :       210  > freqTable head <      max : 13-01-31 15:59
     mean :  1.034273    : 7326207
  std dev : 0.3387715  N : 7285231
 skewness :  195.5337  Y :  165177
 kurtosis :  113263.8
 --------------------  ------------------  ------------------------
     dropoff_datetime        passenger_count     trip_time_in_secs
 ------------------------  -------------------  -------------------
 missing :              0   missing :        0   missing :        0
     min : 12-12-31 16:00       min :        0       min :        0
     max : 13-02-01 02:33       max :      255       max :    10800
                               mean : 1.697372      mean : 683.4236
                            std dev : 1.365396   std dev : 494.4063
                           skewness : 2.681262  skewness :  2.27493
                           kurtosis : 121.2664  kurtosis : 13.97751
 ------------------------  -------------------  -------------------
    trip_distance       pickup_longitude        pickup_latitude
 -------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------
  missing :        0   missing :     271114   missing :     267926
      min :        0       min :  -74.25858       min :   40.47757
      max :      100       max :  -73.70029       max :   40.91757
     mean : 2.770976      mean :  -73.97533      mean :   40.75106
  std dev : 3.305923   std dev : 0.03428528   std dev : 0.02674132
 skewness : 3.836538  skewness :   3.407925  skewness : -0.9979193
 kurtosis : 32.05707  kurtosis :   18.54463  kurtosis :   6.431953
 -------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------
   dropoff_longitude      dropoff_latitude        payment_type
 ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------
  missing :     282583   missing :     278369        levels : 5
      min :   -74.2589       min :   40.47763       missing : 0
      max :  -73.70029       max :   40.91752  > freqTable head <
     mean :  -73.97497      mean :   40.75154  CRD : 7743844
  std dev : 0.03235445   std dev : 0.03000986  CSH : 6982383
 skewness :   2.510542  skewness : -0.5599866  NOC :   32783
 kurtosis :   18.01025  kurtosis :   6.503353  DIS :   11171
 ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------
     fare_amount           surcharge               mta_tax
 -------------------  --------------------  ---------------------
  missing :        0   missing :         0   missing :          0
      min :      2.5       min :         0       min :          0
      max :      500       max :      12.5       max :        0.5
     mean : 11.66472      mean : 0.3204904      mean :   0.498397
  std dev : 9.639219   std dev : 0.3675741   std dev : 0.02826541
 skewness : 4.072831  skewness : 0.6875023  skewness :  -17.57604
 kurtosis : 51.30727  kurtosis :   2.39267  kurtosis :   309.9172
 -------------------  --------------------  ---------------------
     tip_amount          tolls_amount         total_amount
 -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
  missing :        0   missing :        0   missing :        0
      min :        0       min :        0       min :      2.5
      max :      200       max :       20       max :      650
     mean : 1.267509      mean : 0.201867      mean : 13.95298
  std dev : 2.046084   std dev : 1.035481   std dev : 11.46469
 skewness : 6.081281  skewness : 5.859475  skewness : 3.887555
 kurtosis : 180.7268  kurtosis : 46.02757  kurtosis : 39.25815
 -------------------  -------------------  -------------------

This gives us some initial interesting insight. This data pretty much spans January 2013, credit card and cash are used nearly in equal proportion, the average total fare is $13.95, etc.

Let's visualize some of these summaries. Looking at medallion and hack_license, we see that it says there are "10000+" levels. The ddf summary method has a cutoff for how many unique levels of a variable to tabulate (to avoid tail cases where there might be millions of unique values). In this case, the top 5000 and bottom 5000 medallions and hack licenses are reported.

We can plot the distribution of these by extracting them from the summaries.

# medallion frequency table
mft <- summary(raw)$medallion$freqTable

  ylab = "Medallion frequency (top/bottom 5000)")
abline(v = 5000, lty = 2, col = "gray")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

This is an interesting distribution - many mediallions were hardly used, while some were used over 2000 times (~65x per day).

# hack_license frequency table
hft <- summary(raw)$hack_license$freqTable

  ylab = "Hack frequency (top/bottom 5000)")
abline(v = 5000, lty = 2, col = "gray")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

This is also interesting. Some hacks have driven over 1500 trips - some up to an average of over 50 trips a day, while we know the bottom 5000 of the hacks were involved in 125 or fewer trips (~4 trips or less per day).

Quantile plots

For some of the quantitative variables, we want to look at more than just some summary statistics. We can compute and look at quantile plots for these using drQuantile().

pc_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "passenger_count", tails = 1)
triptime_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "trip_time_in_secs", tails = 1)
tripdist_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "trip_distance", tails = 1)
tot_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "total_amount", tails = 1)
tip_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "tip_amount", by = "payment_type", tails = 1)
plat_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "pickup_latitude", tails = 1)
plon_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "pickup_longitude", tails = 1)
dlat_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "dropoff_latitude", tails = 1)
dlon_quant <- drQuantile(raw, var = "dropoff_longitude", tails = 1)

The tails = 1 argument tells it to only compute 1 exact value at each tail (min and max) - by default it gets all

First, passenger count:

p1 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, pc_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "# Passengers", type = c("p", "g"))
p2 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, pc_quant, subset = q < 200,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "# Passengers", type = c("p", "g"))
c(p1, p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

The plot on the left shows everything, while the plot on the right truncates the highest outlying percentiles. The max number of passengers is 255 - this is surely an invalid value. It looks like ~70\% of cab rides have a single passenger, and zero passengers was also reported.

Now trip time:

p1 <- xyplot(q / 60 ~ fval, triptime_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Trip Duration (minutes)",
  type = c("p", "g"))
p2 <- xyplot(q / 60 ~ fval, triptime_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Trip Duration (minutes)",
  type = c("p", "g"), subset = q / 60 < 100)
c(p1, p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Half of cab rides are 10 minutes or less, nearly all are less than an hour. The maximum is 180 minutes. It looks like there is some rounding going on in some cases, not in others.

Now trip distance:

xyplot(q ~ fval, tripdist_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Trip Distance (miles)",
  type = c("p", "g"), subset = q < 40)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Almost 90\% of cab rides are 5 miles or less. I'm not sure how trip distance is calculated.

p1 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, tot_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Total Payment (dollars)", type = c("p", "g"))
p2 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, tot_quant,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Total Payment (dollars)",
  type = c("p", "g"), subset = q < 200)
c(p1, p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

The median cab fare is about $10.

Now for tips. We calculated tip quantiles by payment_type since we were under the suspicion that tips are zero for cash payments.

p1 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, tip_quant, groups = payment_type,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Tip Amount (dollars)",
  type = c("p", "g"), auto.key = TRUE)
p2 <- xyplot(q ~ fval, tip_quant, groups = payment_type,
  xlab = "Proportion", ylab = "Tip Amount (dollars)",
  type = c("p", "g"), auto.key = TRUE, subset = q < 25)
c(p1, p2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Other than CRD and UNK, tip amounts are zero. Although every category has at least some positive tip amount (see the highest quantiles on the left plot).

Some bivariate relationships

We can look at high-level summaries of some bivariate relationships with drHexbin(), which computes hexagon-binned counts across the entire data set.

First, let's look at pickup_latitude vs pickup_latitude:

pickup_latlon <- drHexbin("pickup_longitude", "pickup_latitude", data = raw, xbins = 300, shape = 1.4)
plot(pickup_latlon, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "centroids", xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

With a different color ramp:

plot(pickup_latlon, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "colorscale", xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", colramp = LinOCS)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

Zooming in on Manhattan:

xRange <- c(-74.03, -73.92)
yRange <- c(40.7, 40.82)
tmp <- addTransform(raw, function(x) {
  subset(x, pickup_longitude < -73.92 & pickup_longitude > -74.03 &
    pickup_latitude > 40.7 & pickup_latitude < 40.82)
pickup_latlon_manhat <- drHexbin("pickup_longitude", "pickup_latitude", data = tmp, xbins = 300, shape = 1.4, xRange = xRange, yRange = yRange)
plot(pickup_latlon_manhat, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "centroids", xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", legend = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

plot(pickup_latlon_manhat, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "colorscale", xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", colramp = LinOCS)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Total amount vs. trip distance:

trns <- function(x) log2(x + 1)
amount_vs_dist <- drHexbin("trip_distance", "total_amount", data = raw, xbins = 150, shape = 1, xTransFn = trns, yTransFn = trns)
plot(amount_vs_dist, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "colorscale", colramp = LinOCS, xlab = "Distance (log2 miles)", ylab = "Total Amount Paid (log2 dollars)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-28

There appears to be two major trajectories, as well as a fixed distance-independent flat rate around 26=$64. There is also obviously some garbage going on here.

Trip time vs. trip distance:

trns2 <- function(x) log2(x / 60 + 1)
time_vs_dist <- drHexbin("trip_distance", "trip_time_in_secs", data = raw, xbins = 150, shape = 1, xTransFn = trns, yTransFn = trns2)
plot(time_vs_dist, trans = log, inv = exp, style = "colorscale", colramp = LinOCS, xlab = "Distance (log2 miles)", ylab = "Trip Time (log2 minutes)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32