Add "hover" tool to a Bokeh figure

tool_hover(fig, callback, ref_layer)



figure to modify


a callback to be applied to this tool - either a character string of javascript code or any one of debug_callback, shiny_callback, console_callback, custom_callback


name of the layer that the callback should be applied to


Tools can be easily specified as a vector of tool names in the tools argument when instantiating a figure. In this case, they are added with defaults. Explicitly calling these tool_ functions will manually add the tool to a figure and allow additional specification of parameters.

See also


# \donttest{ # hover over the blue points and make the orange points move figure(title = "hover a blue point") %>% ly_points(1:10, lname = "blue", lgroup = "g1") %>% ly_points(2:12, lname = "orange", lgroup = "g1") %>% tool_hover(custom_callback( code = "debugger;if(cb_data.index['1d'].indices.length > 0) orange_data.get('data').x[cb_data.index['1d'].indices] += 0.1 orange_data.trigger('change')", "orange"), "blue") # }